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Merci de consulter vos emails

Nous vous avons envoyé un e-mail avec un lien pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe. Si vous ne l’avez pas reçu, veuillez d’abord vérifier vos dossiers de courrier indésirable/spam. REMARQUE : Le lien n’est valide que pendant 24 heures.

S’il a expiré ou ne fonctionne pas, réessayez d’abord la demande.

Si vous ne recevez pas l’e-mail ou si vous rencontrez toujours des problèmes, veuillez nous contacter.

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Please Check Your Email

We’ve sent you an email with a link to reset your password. If you did not receive it, please check your junk/spam folders first. NOTE: The link is only valid for 24 hours.

If it has expired or doesn’t work, first try the request again.

If you do not receive the email or continue to have problems, please contact us.

Les frais de livraison

Les frais de livraison sont calculés au moment du paiement en fonction de la quantité commandée, du lieu d’expédition et du mode d’expédition. Le cas échéant, nous offrons le transport terrestre et aérien.

Le prix comprend le coût du retour du réservoir par voie terrestre.

Nous fournissons l’étiquette de retour et les instructions sur la façon de gérer les retours avec chaque expédition de réservoir

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Termes et Conditions

Les présentes Conditions générales (les « Conditions ») régissent l’achat, la vente et l’utilisation de tous les produits et services liés aux bovins proposés par ABS Global, Inc. ou une personne morale de son même groupe (« ABS »), notamment, sans toutefois s’y limiter, les produits et services suivants: de la semence, de la semence sexée, des embryons et des bovins; (le « Plasma germinatif »); des techniques d’insémination artificielle, de prélèvement d’ovocytes, de transfert d’embryons, de fécondation in vivo, des contrôles de gestation ou tout autre service de reproduction ou vétérinaire connexe (les« Services de reproduction »); des index personnalisés, des services de gestion génétique et autres conseils ou analyses génétiques, des services de laboratoire, des génotypes (les « Services génétiques »); des produits pour les soins des mamelles; des certificats de reproduction; et des équipements ou fournitures liés à l’un des éléments ci-dessus (collectivement, avec le Plasma germinatif, les Services de reproduction et les Services génétiques, les« Produits ») et aux descendants de première génération issue du Plasma germinatif (les « Descendants »). Veuillez lire attentivement les présentes Conditions, car si vous ou vos employés ou représentants (collectivement ou individuellement, « vous ») utilisez ou achetez des Produits et des Descendants, vous confirmez et donnez votre accord pour être juridiquement lié à ces Conditions (telles que révisées de temps à autre) pour ce qui a trait aux Produits facturés et tout Descendant qui en résulte, ainsi que pour l’achat et l’utilisation de tous les Produits et des Descendants futurs après avoir reçu les présentes Conditions. Si vous n’acceptez pas les présentes Conditions, veuillez retourner les Produits inutilisés et intacts dans les 48 heures suivant leur réception et ABS vous remboursera le prix d’achat.

  1. ACHAT ET EXPÉDITION. En passant une commande de Produits, vous confirmez être autorisé à effectuer l’achat. Toutes les commandes sont soumises à l’acceptation d’ABS et sont sous réserve de disponibilité au moment de l’expédition. Dès réception de la commande, vous vous engagez à inspecter les Produits pour confirmer qu’ils sont conformes à la commande. Si les Produits ne sont pas conformes à la commande car il en manque, ils sont endommagés ou parce qu’il y a une erreur quant au type ou à la quantité de Produit commandé (les « Produits non conformes »), vous devez retourner le Produit en le notifiant à ABS dans les 7 jours suivant la livraison, ou en cas de perte de Plasma germinatif due à une défaillance du réservoir d’expédition, dans les 24 heures suivant la livraison, et ABS remplacera ou remboursera votre achat à son entière discrétion. Le client s’engage à retourner ou détruire tous les Produits non conformes conformément aux instructions d’ABS.Les conditions de paiement sont celles qui figurent sur votre bordereau/ facture. Vous devez fournir à ABS toute information ou documentation nécessaire pour qu’ABS puisse vous facturer le montant dû. ABS peut vérifier vos renseignements chaque année afin de vérifier l’exactitude de toute information que vous lui avez fournie en vertu du présent paragraphe. Le paiement de la taxe sur les ventes est de votre responsabilité et se fera conformément à toutes les règlementations fiscales applicables. Tous les Produits sont expédiés aux Incoterms 2020 CPT (premier transporteur) au lieu de facturation, sauf indication contraire stipulée par ABS. Sauf indication contraire dans les présentes Conditions, le titre de propriété et le risque de perte vous seront transférés au premier transporteur.
  2. UTILISATION. Les Produits sont approuvés uniquement pour une utilisation en agriculture animale. Vous ne pouvez pas exporter les Produits ou les distribuer, les vendre ou les transférer à un tiers sans l’autorisation écrite expresse d’ABS. Vous acceptez de n’utiliser le Plasma germinatif, en tout ou en partie, que sur des animaux dont vous êtes le propriétaire exclusif ou que vous contrôlez exclusivement dans le cadre de vos activités commerciales ordinaires. Vous ne pouvez pas, sans le consentement écrit préalable d’ABS: procéder à de l’ingénierie inverse, au génotypage, au séquençage, au clonage, à la congélation de semence sexée, à l’édition du génome, à l’analyse ou à la manipulation du Plasma germinatif; ni utiliser le Plasma germinatif ou le matériel génétique contenu dans le Plasma germinatif ou les Descendants ou dérivé de ceux-ci, notamment tout semence, ovocytes, embryons, ADN, ARN, protéine ou autre matériel moléculaire ou héréditaire (le « Matériel génétique ») pour la recherche ou le développement, notamment dans le cadre de programmes de recherche publics ou privés. La semence sexée ne peut être utilisée que pour l’insémination artificielle unique d’un seul bovin, dans l’intention de produire une seule progéniture. ABS se réserve tous les droits sur le Plasma germinatif et les Descendants qui ne sont pas expressément accordés en vertu du présent paragraphe 2, et toutes les autres utilisations sont strictement interdites sans le consentement écrit préalable d’ABS.En complément de ce qui précède, le Plasma germinatif de taureaux laitiers (de tout âge ou catégorie) qui se classent parmi les 200 premiers de leur race dans le classement des index NM$ ou TPI1, parmi les 50 premiers de l’index$CM [1] ou JPI1 pour les taureaux de 18 mois ou plus classés (G)[2] >ou qui figurent de toute autre manière dans la liste « Icon Sire » sur le site Web ABS Icon à l’adresse (le « Plasma germinatif Icon ») ne peut être utilisé que : (a) avec des femelles non grevées de droits ou d’intérêts de tiers, notamment de droits ou de restrictions d’achat ou de reproduction (les « Restrictions de tiers »), et (b) lorsque tout Descendant ou tout Matériel génétique qui en résulte vous appartiendra ou sera contrôlé par vouset ne sera pas grevé de Restrictions de tiers. Tout embryon que vous créez (tel qu’autorisé) à partir de Plasma germinatif Icon (les « Embryons Icon ») ne peut être utilisé que dans votre cheptel et ne peut être vendu, commercialisé, loué, échangé ou autrement transféré (« Transféré ») à une partie quelconque, sauf autorisation écrite d’ABS. Vous devez conserver la propriété non grevée de toute femelle qui est, ou pourrait être, gestante d’un Descendant issu du Plasma germinatif Icon ou d’un Embryon Icon jusqu’à ce qu’elle ait vêlé.
    1. DESCENDANT DE RACE LAITIÈRE : Vous acceptez d’utiliser les Descendants de race laitière issus de Plasma germinatif tel que strictement indiqué dans le présent paragraphe. Par les présentes, vous accordez à ABS le droit et l’option exclusifs et irrévocables de tester et d’acheter de tels Descendants ou de fabriquer et d’acquérir du Matériel génétique à partir de ces Descendants, tant que les Descendants vous appartiennent, selon les procédures et aux prix indiqués sur le site ABS Icon (l’« Option »). Par souci de clarté, ABS n’a aucune obligation d’acheter des Descendants ou du Matériel génétique. Dans cette section, « Testé » signifie un animal qui a reçu une évaluation officielle du Council of Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) ou une autre évaluation approuvée par écrit par ABS. Les animaux n’ayant pas fait l’objet d’une évaluation ou dont l’évaluation n’a pas été approuvée sont considérés comme « Non testés ». En plus de ce qui précède :
      1. Descendant mâle : Le Descendant mâle créé à partir de Plasma germinatif Icon ne peut que : (a) être Transféré dans la chaîne d’approvisionnement en viande bovine (par exemple, vente à un abattoir ou à un parc d’engraissement) en vue d’être abattu (la « Chaîne d’approvisionnement en viande bovine »), soit comme bouvillon, soit avec l’accord et confirmation exprès de l’acheteur qu’il restera dans la Chaîne d’approvisionnement en viande bovine, ou (b) être vendu à ABS dans le cadre de son Option, et à aucune autre fin, sauf autorisation écrite contraire d’ABS. Les Descendants mâles issus de Plasma germinatif qui n’est pas Icon ne peuvent être Transférés que dans la Chaîne d’approvisionnement en viande bovine ou, s’ils sont Non testés, pour une saillie naturelle, sauf autorisation écrite contraire d’ABS. Sans limiter la portée de ce qui précède, vous ne pouvez pas créer, utiliser ou vendre un Descendant mâle dans le but de collecter ou de vendre de la semence, ni collecter de la semence de Descendant mâle pour vous-même ou pour toute autre partie.
      2. Descendante femelle : La Descendante femelle (de tout âge ou catégorie) créée à partir de Plasma germinatif Icon qui : (a) est Non testée ou(b) est Testée et se classe parmi les 2 000 premières de sa race du classement de l‘index NM$ ou TPI1, les 500 premières de l’index CM$ ou JPI1, ou les 500 premières des index PLI, RZG, LPI, PFT, BPI, ISU, NVI ou de l’index NTM [3], pour les femelles de six mois ou plus (chacune étant une « Fille Icon ») et son Matériel génétique, ne peut être utilisée que dans votre cheptel et ne peut pas être Transférée avant que la Fille Icon n’atteigne 24 mois, sauf si elle est Transférée à ABS en vertu de son Option ou si ABS l’autorise par écrit de toute autre manière. Pendant la période de 24 mois, vous ne pouvez pas créer de Descendant à partir de Filles Icon qui serait soumis à des Restrictions de tiers. Vous êtes libre à tout moment de Transférer les Descendantes femelles qui (x) ont été Testées et se classent en dessous des critères énumérés au paragraphe
        possède moins de 10 filles laitières ». Dans les présentes Conditions, la catégorie (G) ne s’applique qu’au champ de l’index utilisé pour déterminer le classement, et un taureau ABS Sire n’est pas tenu d’être dans la catégorie (G) pour être classé comme « Icon».3 PLI (Royaume-Uni), RZG (Allemagne), LPI (Canada), PFT (Italie), BPI (Australie), ISU (France), NTM (Scandinavie).2 (A)(ii)(b) ou (y) ont été créées à partir de Plasma germinatif qui n’est pas Icon.
    2. DESCENDANT BOVIN : Le Plasma germinatif NuEra (les marques NuEra® ou InFocus®) ne peut être utilisé que pour créer un Descendant croisé de génération terminale (bœuf x croisement laitier ou bœuf x croisement bovin) qui est Transféré dans la Chaîne d’approvisionnement en viande bovine. Par souci de clarté, les Descendants mâles de Plasma germinatif NuEra ne peuvent être utilisés ou vendus pour fins de reproduction, ou de collection ou de vente de la semence. Les Descendants de tout autre bovin de Plasma germinatif peuvent être utilisés ou vendus pour toutes autres fins, incluant pour la création d’animaux reproducteurs ou d’animaux terminaux.
  3. SERVICES GÉNÉTIQUES. Si vous achetez ou recevez des Services génétiques d’ABS, vous acceptez de fournir rapidement à ABS toute information, consentement et assistance qu’ABS pourrait raisonnablement demander. Vous reconnaissez et acceptez que toute information ou tout outil qui vous est fourni par les Services génétiques, notamment tout indice personnalisé ou toute recommandation de reproduction (les « Résultats SG »), est destiné à votre usage interne uniquement, et que leur valeur dépend de l’exactitude et de la qualité des données que vous fournissez, de votre coopération et d’autres facteurs échappant au contrôle d’ABS, notamment la gestion du cheptel, les décisions opérationnelles et l’environnement.
  4. SERVICES DE REPRODUCTION. Si vous achetez des Services de reproduction d’ABS, vous êtes responsable, à vos propres frais, de la préparation des animaux conformément aux instructions d’ABS. Des frais supplémentaires peuvent s’appliquer si les animaux ne sont pas correctement préparés. Vous êtes responsable des Produits qui ne sont pas utilisés pendant les Services de reproduction, notamment les embryons frais. Pour tout frais facturés par gestation, on entend par gestation un contrôle de gestation positif (échographie ou pas de retour de chaleurs) de 30 à 45 jours après la reproduction.

  5. GARANTIES ET RESPONSABILITÉ. ABS garantit que le Plasma germinatif, les produits pour les soins des mamelles, les certificats de reproduction et les équipements et fournitures vendus par ABS sont conformes à la description figurant sur l’emballage de chaque Produit et que les Services de reproduction et les Services génétiques seront effectués avec une compétence raisonnable conformément aux normes industrielles généralement acceptables. Sauf indication contraire figurant dans les présentes Conditions, tous les Produits sont fournis par ABS « TELS QUELS ». À L’EXCEPTION DE LA GARANTIE FIGURANT DANS LA PRÉSENTE SECTION, ABS NE DONNE AUCUNE GARANTIE QUELLE QU’ELLE SOIT CONCERNANT LES PRODUITS OU LES DESCENDANTS, NOTAMMENT TOUTE (A) GARANTIE DE QUALITÉ MARCHANDE; (B) GARANTIE DE CONVENANCE À UN USAGE PARTICULIER ; OU (C) GARANTIE CONTRE LA VIOLATION DES DROITS DE PROPRIÉTÉ INTELLECTUELLE DE TIERS; QU’ELLE SOIT EXPRESSE OU IMPLICITE EN VERTU DE LA LOI, DES USAGES COMMERCIAUX, DE L’EXÉCUTION DU CONTRAT, DE L’ACTIVITÉ COMMERCIALE OU DE TOUTE AUTRE MANIÈRE. SANS LIMITER LA PORTÉE GÉNÉRALE DE CE QUI PRÉCÈDE, ABS DÉCLINE SPÉCIFIQUEMENT TOUTE GARANTIE CONCERNANT (A) LA COMPOSITION GÉNÉTIQUE DU PRODUIT OU DES DESCENDANTS; (B) LA PERFORMANCE DU PRODUIT, LES CARACTÉRISTIQUES OU LA PERFORMANCE DES DESCENDANTS; (C) L’ABSENCE D’AGENTS PATHOGÈNES DANS LE PRODUIT; ET (D) LE FAIT QUE LES DESCRIPTIONS DE PRODUITS, LES DOCUMENTS COMMERCIAUX, LE CONTENU DU SITE WEB OU TOUTE AUTRE INFORMATION RELATIVE AUX PRODUITS SONT EXACTS, COMPLETS, FIABLES, ACTUELS OU NE CONTIENNENT PAS D’ERREURS. VOTRE SEUL RECOURS EN CAS DE VIOLATION PAR ABS DE SES GARANTIES EN VERTU DES PRÉSENTES CONDITIONS EST, À L’ENTIÈRE DISCRÉTION D’ABS, DE REMPLACER, RÉPARER OU D’EFFECTUER UN CRÉDIT SUR VOTRE COMPTE POUR LA PARTIE DÉFECTUEUSE DUPRODUIT. La garantie décrite aux présentes dépend de votre utilisation adéquate des Produits conformément aux manuels ou aux instructions, aux normes industrielles, aux présentes Conditions et à toute instruction raisonnable donnée par ABS concernant le retour ou la destruction des Produits défectueux. Ces garanties ne couvrent pas les Produits qui ont été modifiés de quelque manière que ce soit ou qui ont fait l’objet d’emploi abusif, qui n’ont pas été manipulés avec soin, ont été mal manipulés ou ont subi des altérations.


  7. Avis relatif aux risques d’utilisation de l’azote liquide: Vous devez transférer tout le Plasma germinatif des réservoirs d’expédition dans vos propres réservoirs d’azote, immédiatement dès la réception. Vous êtes responsable de la fourniture et de l’entretien des réservoirs d’azote liquide, notamment des niveaux d’azote et du fonctionnement des réservoirs à tout moment. ABS peut livrer de l’azote liquide aux clients à titre de service annexe. Ces services sont fournis « TELS QUELS » et « SELON LES DISPONIBILITÉS ». Sans limiter la portée de ce qui précède, les Parties ABS ne sont pas responsables des pertes et/ou dommages, directs ou indirects, découlant d’un contrat, d’une faute délictuelle, d’une responsabilité extracontractuelle ou stricte, de la négligence ou d’une obligation fiduciaire lors de la livraison de l’azote liquide. Dans les limites autorisées par la loi, toute responsabilité pour la fourniture, l’entretien ou la maintenance des réservoirs de stockage d’azote liquide est expressément rejetée par les Parties ABS.
  8. DISTRIBUTEURS. ABS conclue des contrats avec des entrepreneurs indépendants, des agents commerciaux, des représentants autorisés ou d’autres distributeurs (les « Distributeurs ») auprès desquels vous pouvez acheter directement les Produits. Les Distributeurs ne sont ni les agents ni les employés ou ni les préposés d’ABS et ne sont pas autorisés à conclure des contrats pour ou au nom d’ABS. ABS ne contrôle pas les Produits après leur transfert à un Distributeur et décline toute responsabilité pour les Produits, services, actions ou travaux qui vous sont fournis par les Distributeurs.
  9. INDEMNITÉ. Vous acceptez de défendre, d’indemniser et de dégager de toute responsabilité toutes les Parties d’ABS contre toutes les réclamations, responsabilités, dommages, coûts et dépenses, notamment les honoraires raisonnables d’avocat, de quelque manière que ce soit, découlant de, liés à ou en relation avec (a) votre utilisation des Produits ABS; (b) votre violation ou prétendue violation des présentes Conditions; (c) votre violation de tout droit de tiers, notamment tout droit de propriété intellectuelle, de confidentialité, de propriété ou de vie privée; (d) votre violation de toute loi, règle, réglementation, code, statut, décret ou ordonnance provenant de toute autorité gouvernementale ou quasi-gouvernementale, notamment toute autorité de réglementation, administrative et législative; et (e) toute déclaration inexacte que vous avez faite.

  10. PROPRIÉTÉ INTELLECTUELLE. Les Produits d’ABS sont couverts par les Droits de propriété intellectuelle d’ABS, y compris, mais sans s’y limiter, les brevets, qui peuvent être consultés à l’adresse Sous réserve que vous respectiez les présentes Conditions, ABS vous accorde une licence non exclusive, ne pouvant faire l’objet d’une sous-licence, limitée et révocable sur ces Droits de propriété intellectuelle pour que vous utilisiez ses Produits comme indiqué aux présentes, transmissible uniquement dans la mesure où les présentes Conditions l’indiquent spécifiquement, et tout particulièrement pour (a) le Plasma germinatif et le Matériel génétique, dans la mesure strictement autorisée dans la section « Utilisation » des présentes Conditions et (b) les Résultats SG, comme indiqué dans la section « Services génétiques » des présentes Conditions. Les marques commerciales, logos et marques de service figurant sur les matériels, Produits, sites Web d’ABS ou qu’ABS aura fait figurer de toute autre manière sont des marques déposées et non déposées d’ABS (les« Marques ABS »). Aucune licence ni aucun droit d’utilisation d’une marqueCONDITIONS GÉNÉRALESABS n’est accordé par les présentes Conditions. Toute autre utilisation de la propriété intellectuelle d’ABS (notamment les Marques ABS) est strictement interdite sans le consentement écrit préalable d’ABS. Les « Droits de propriété intellectuelle », tels qu’ils sont définis dans les présentes Conditions, désignent les demandes de brevet, les brevets, les droits d’auteur, les marques commerciales, les illustrations, les secrets commerciaux, le savoir-faire et toute information comportant des données propriétaires telles que les données techniques et les logiciels informatiques.
  11. LOGICIELS. Certains Produits vous permettent de télécharger ou d’accéder à des logiciels appartenant à ABS ou sous licence et à toute mise à jour ou mise à niveau (le « Logiciel »). ABS vous accorde une licence limitée, non exclusive, incessible, ne pouvant être concédée sous licence et révocable pour utiliser le Logiciel, conformément à toute condition applicable du Logiciel et uniquement en relation avec les Produits. Dans la mesure où un composant du Logiciel est proposé par une sous-licence d’un tiers, vous devez utiliser ce Logiciel conformément aux conditions et aux politiques du fournisseur tiers,provenant de toute autorité gouvernementale et quasi-gouvernementale, notamment toutes les autorités de réglementation, administratives et législatives, y compris toute loi, politique ou réglementation anti-corruption, en relation avec votre achat ou votre utilisation des Produits et vos transactions avec ABS.
    1. DROIT APPLICABLE. Les présentes Conditions sont régies et interprétées conformément aux lois de la province de l’Ontario et aux lois du Canada applicable dans la province, sans égard aux dispositions en matière de conflit de lois et/ou de choix de loi applicable. Vous vous soumettez irrévocablement à la juridiction exclusive des tribunaux siégeant à Toronto, en Ontario, pour toute réclamation ou question découlant de ou liée aux présentes Conditions ou à votre achat ou utilisation des Produits.


      Conditions constituent l’intégralité de l’accord entre vous et ABS, et remplacent et annulent tout accord, conditions générales ou votre bon de commande ou tout autre document de commande relatif aux Produits, sauf sien plus des présentes Conditions. Dans les limites autorisées par la loi, vous cet accord est écrit et signé par vous et ABS (le « Contrat écrit »). Dans laacceptez de ne pas faire de l’ingénierie inverse ou de décompiler le Logiciel ou les Produits, de ne pas tenter de le faire, ni d’aider quiconque à le faire.

  12. DONNÉES. En vue d’améliorer continuellement les offres de Produits proposées par ABS, les employés ou les Distributeurs d’ABS peuvent collecter des données ou des informations, notamment des données sur les performances des cheptels et des animaux, à partir de vos systèmes ou de vos dossiers technologiques (les « Données »). En permettant aux employés ou aux Distributeurs d’ABS d’accéder à vos Données ou à vos systèmes, vous accordez à ABS une licence non exclusive, perpétuelle, irrévocable, libre de redevance, transférable et mondiale d’accès et d’utilisation des Données à des fins commerciales d’ABS (la « Licence de données »). Vous acceptez qu’ABS puisse accéder, dans le cadre de la Licence de données, à toutes les Données relatives aux Produits ou aux Descendants que vous fournissez aux acheteurs du lait, de la viande ou des animaux que vous proposez ou à d’autres partenaires de distribution directement auprès d’eux. ABS comprend que le maintien de l’anonymat de vos Données est important pour vos opérations commerciales et n’utilisera pas vos Données d’une manière qui divulgue votre identité personnelle ou commerciale au public. Toutes les données, rapports, informations ou toute propriété intellectuelle créés, générés ou découverts par ABS à partir des Données (individuellement ou globalement), ou toute donnée sur les Produits ou les Descendants collectée directement par ABS, sont la propriété exclusive d’ABS, et aucun droit sur ces données, rapports, informations ou la propriété intellectuelle ne vous sera transféré ni ne sera transféré à un tiers.
  13.  RESPECT DES LOIS. Vous acceptez de vous conformer à toutes les lois, règles, réglementations, codes, statuts, décrets ou ordonnances applicables provenant de toute autorité gouvernementale et quasi-gouvernementale,
    notamment toutes les autorités de réglementation, administratives et législatives, y compris toute loi, politique ou réglementation anti-corruption, en relation avec votre achat ou votre utilisation des Produits et vos
    transactions avec ABS.
  14. DROIT APPLICABLE. Les présentes Conditions sont régies et interprétées conformément aux lois de la province de l’Ontario et aux lois du Canada applicable dans la province, sans égard aux dispositions en matière de conflit
    de lois et/ou de choix de loi applicable. Vous vous soumettez irrévocablement à la juridiction exclusive des tribunaux siégeant à Toronto, en Ontario, pourtoute réclamation ou question découlant de ou liée aux présentes Conditions ou à votre achat ou utilisation des Produits.
  15. INTÉGRALITÉ DE L’ACCORD ET INTERPRÉTATION. Les présentes Conditions constituent l’intégralité de l’accord entre vous et ABS, et remplacent et annulent tout accord, conditions générales ou votre bon de commande ou tout autre document de commande relatif aux Produits, sauf si cet accord est écrit et signé par vous et ABS (le « Contrat écrit »). Dans la mesure où les conditions d’un Contrat écrit sont en conflit avec les présentes Conditions, les conditions du Contrat écrit prévaudront. Dans le cas où les présentes Conditions diffèrent des conditions générales figurant sur les formulaires imprimés d’ABS, les présentes Conditions prévaudront. Dans les présentes Conditions, le mot « notamment » est réputé être suivi des mots « sans toutefois s’y limiter », et chaque fois que le singulier est utilisé dans les présentes Conditions, le singulier inclut le pluriel, et chaque fois que le pluriel est utilisé, le pluriel inclut le singulier, le cas échéant.
  16.  RENONCIATION, DIVISIBILITÉ ET CESSION. Si ABS n’applique pas une disposition des présentes Conditions, elle ne renonce pas à son droit de le faire ultérieurement. Si une disposition est jugée inapplicable ou invalide pour une raison quelconque, les autres dispositions resteront en vigueur et auront plein effet. Vous ne pouvez céder aucun de vos droits ou obligations en vertu des présentes Conditions, et toute tentative en ce sens sera nulle. ABS peut céder l’un ou l’autre de ses droits et obligations à des personnes morales de son même groupe, ou à tout ayant-cause de toute entreprise associée à ABS.
  17. MODIFICATION. ABS peut réviser les présentes Conditions de temps à autre et publiera la version la plus récente sur le site Web d’ABS. Vous êtes lié par toute révision des présentes Conditions et devez relire les présentes
    Conditions régulièrement. Si une disposition des présentes Conditions est jugée invalide, nulle ou inapplicable pour une raison quelconque, cette disposition sera supprimée et n’affectera pas la validité ou l’applicabilité des
    autres dispositions, et les parties remplaceront la disposition invalide par une disposition qui se rapproche le plus possible de l’intention et de l’effet économique de la disposition invalide.

1 Les index NM$ et $CM sont publiés par le United States Council of Dairy Cattle Breeding; l’index TPI est publié par la Holstein Association USA; l’index JPI est publié par l’American Jersey Cattle Association. Tous les index comprennent leurs équivalents génomiques.

2 La catégorie (G) telle que définie par la NAAB comme « génotypée et ayant de la sémence disponible à la vente etpossède moins de 10 filles laitières ». Dans les présentes Conditions, la catégorie (G) ne s’applique qu’au champ de
l’index utilisé pour déterminer le classement, et un taureau ABS Sire n’est pas tenu d’être dans la catégorie (G) pour
être classé comme « Icon».

3 PLI (Royaume-Uni), RZG (Allemagne), LPI (Canada), PFT (Italie), BPI (Australie), ISU (France), NTM (Scandinavie).


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Politique de confidentialité

Déclaration de confidentialité

ABS Global, Inc., reconnaît depuis longtemps que les personnes avec lesquelles nous faisons affaire accordent de l’importance à leur vie privée. Cependant, pour faire des affaires à l’échelle mondiale dans une économie de plus en plus électronique, la collecte de renseignements personnels est souvent nécessaire et souhaitable. L’objectif d’ABS est d’équilibrer les avantages du commerce électronique avec le droit des individus d’empêcher l’utilisation abusive de leurs informations personnelles. Cette déclaration de confidentialité ne s’applique pas à la collecte d’informations hors ligne.

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If it has expired or doesn’t work, first try the request again.

If you do not receive the email or continue to have problems, please contact us.

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FAQ / Aider

Buyer's Guide

Category: Buyer's Guide

We recommend discussing your goals and management style with an ABS artificial insemination specialist to ensure the best solution can be implemented. In addition, we suggest following our handling procedures and protocols, as outlined in the following guide.

Category: Buyer's Guide

There are several ways you can find products on our store.

1. Type in the Name, Stud Code or Registration number of the bull you’re looking for. 

A match for what you have typed will be returned which will indicate the type of product and breed as well

Click the row if it matches what you want, or click the red Search button to show the full list of products that match your search

2. Use the menu. Products are grouped by category and then, where appropriate, breed.

3. If you are still not finding what you need – please contact us at 1-888-785-7883 ext. 1 and we will do our best to help you find what you are looking for.

Category: Buyer's Guide

To navigate this website, simply click on a category you might be interested in. Categories are located on the top, left & bottom of our website. QUICK TIP: Place your mouse cursor over anything you think could be a clickable link. You’ll notice that anytime you scroll over something that is a link, your mouse cursor will become a “hand”. Whereas scrolling over anything that is NOT a link will leave your cursor as an “arrow”. You may also type a keyword into the SEARCH box to quickly find a specific product. If you have any trouble locating a product, feel free to contact customer service for assistance.

Category: Buyer's Guide

A unit of semen brings no real value to a dairy farmer unless it results in a cow getting pregnant with a female calf. A healthy heifer needs to be born and only then can genetic progress be seen. That’s where the value is found.

At a time when efficiency is crucial on dairy farms, producers need to reduce their variables. Creating pregnancies with conventional semen is like flipping a coin – the odds of getting a male or female calf are generally the same.

Using Sexcel, customers have the power to decide with, as much precision as biology and technology currently allows, which part of the herd will pass on their genetics and make replacement heifers for the next generation.

Sexcel provides a high probability of success. Observations using ABS Global’s Real World Data® (RWD™) index demonstrated that Sexcel achieves a 90% relative conception rate to conventional semen.*Results vary according to management, environment and animal.

Sexcel Sexed Genetics is available for: Holstein, Jersey, and Norwegian Red.

Category: Buyer's Guide

Pricing and Billing

Your credit card will be charged within 24 hours from the time your item(s) have shipped.

Shipping Information

Please verify within 24 hours of carrier confirmed delivery, the accuracy of your order. We strive to make every shipment accurate. In the unforeseen circumstance that there is a discrepancy with the product received and the packing slip, please contact Customer Service at 1.888.785.7883 ext. 1. Once verified, please immediately remove the product from the shipper.

Attached to your paperwork, you will find a return label. The return label is a part of our process for returning shippers. Please place the return label directly over the shipping label or remove the original shipping label from the outside of the shipper shell. Secure the lid on the shipper with a plastic zip-tie.

The final step will ensure the shipper is returned to ABS Canada, please choose one of the options listed below.

  1. Call ABS Customer Service- 1.888.785.7883 ext. 1
  2. Arrange for a pick up by calling Purolator – 1.888.7447.123 (1.888.SHIP.123). Follow the prompts.
  3. Drop the shipper off at a Purolator designated return location. To find a location near you please visit and go to FIND SHIPPING CENTRE
  4. Give it to a Purolator driver, be sure to discuss with the driver a designated area of returns and for pick-ups to avoid confusion.

A non-refundable fee of $50.00 will be charged for all shippers not returned within 30 days of shipment. Shippers not returned within 60 days from time of shipment will be charged an additional $1000.00 fee.

If you encounter any obstacles or have questions please contact Customer Service at 1.888.785.7883 ext 1 and we will be happy to assist you.

International Shipping

We do not currently offer shipping outside of Canada for this Store

Order Status

Category: Order Status

Click the “View Accounts” link at the top right hand side of our site to track your order status. Be sure that all of the items in your order have shipped already. If your order displays your Tracking Number, check with the shipper to confirm that your packages were delivered. If your packages show a status of “delivered”, please contact customer service for assistance.

Category: Order Status

Click the “View Account” link at the top right hand side of our site to check your orders status.

Category: Order Status

Please contact us to make any changes to your order.

Category: Order Status

Click the “View Account” link at the top right hand side of our site to track your order.

Category: Order Status

Click the “My Account” link at the top right hand side of our site to track your order status. Be sure that all of the items in your order have shipped already. If your order displays your Package Tracking Numbers, check with the shipper to confirm that your packages were delivered. If your packages each show a status of “delivered”, please contact customer service at 1-888-785-7883  ext. 1 for assistance.

My Account / Login / Password Issues

1) Click the Register link at the top right side of our site.
2) Fill in the form and Click “Create Account”
3) We will send you an email that contains a link that you must click to complete the registration process

If you have any issues creating an account, please contact us

Click the “View Account” link at the top right hand side of our site to edit your account information.

Shipping is automatically calculated prior to submitting your payment information.  Simply add items to your cart and proceed to the Checkout page where you will be offered Shipping Method choices and their prices.

Click the Login link at the top right hand side of our site. Under the login box you’ll see a link that says “Forgot your password?

Click on that link and follow the instructions

If you still have problems please feel free to contact us.

 If you feel that you have received the wrong product, please contact customer service at 1-888-785-7883 ext. 1 within 72 hours of receiving the product.

See our Terms & Conditions for complete details regarding our return policy.


Category: Guarantees

It is our commitment to provide you with the best value, at the best price. We value your business and strive to keep our prices low, and SAVE you money!

Category: Guarantees

We value your privacy. Please view our Privacy Policy for complete details on how we use the information we collect.

Category: Guarantees

This website is protected with SSL (secure socket layer) encryption, the highest standard in Internet security.

Additional Support

Category: Additional Support

Please call Customer Service at 1-888-785-7883  ext. 1

Semence laitière

Semence laitière

Semence laitière

Conformation sans compromis

Magasinez à votre façon

Deux façons de trouver le taureau laitier qui convient à vos besoins

1 Trouver un taureau individuel

2 Bull Search

Utilisez Bull Search pour acheter par traits spécifiques

Magasinez pour toute semence laitière

Cookie Policy fr

Use of Cookies on our website

An HTML cookie is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on the user’s computer by the user’s web browser. We use cookies to store information the site needs later, such as a selected setting or data needed to be shared between different pages. You can follow the link here to see how to disable the use of cookies.

We use the following categories of cookies on our website:

Strictly Necessary Cookies

These cookies are essential to enable you to move around the website and use its features. Without these cookies, services you have asked for such as creating a login session cannot be provided.

Performance Cookies

These cookies collect anonymous information on how people use our website. For example, we use Google Analytics cookies to help us understand how customers arrive at our site, browse or use our site and highlight areas where we can improve areas such as navigation, shopping experience and marketing campaigns. The data stored by these cookies never shows personal details from which your individual identity can be established.

Functionality Cookies

These cookies remember choices you make such as the country you visit our website from, language and search parameters such as size, color or product line. These can then be used to provide you with an experience more appropriate to your selections and to make the visits more tailored and pleasant. The information these cookies collect are anonymous and they cannot track your browsing activity on other websites.

Nous contacter

Use the form below to contact us. You can also call us on 1-888-785-7883 ext 1 or send us an email : [email protected]



Semence de bœuf

Semence de bœuf

Ne faites pas de compromis

Faire des accouplements avec intention

Magasinez à votre façon

Deux façons de trouver le Dairy Bull adapté à vos besoins​

1 Trouver un taureau individuel

2 Bull Search

Utilisez Bull Search pour acheter des caractéristiques spécifiques

Tout magasiner Semence de boeuf

Bœuf sur produits laitiers

Semence de bœuf

Ne faites pas de compromis

Faire des accouplements avec intention

Magasinez à votre façon

Deux façons de trouver le Dairy Bull adapté à vos besoins​

1 Trouver un taureau individuel

2 Bull Search

Utilisez Bull Search pour acheter des caractéristiques spécifiques

Tout magasiner Semence de boeuf

Beef Certificates FR

Beef Certificates FR

Shop your way

Two ways to find the right Beef Certificate

1 Find an Individual Bull

2 By Certificate Breed

À propos de nous

ABS Global, Inc.

Leader mondial de la génétique bovine

ABS Global, Inc. Basé à DeForest, Wisconsin, ABS Global est le premier fournisseur mondial de génétique bovine, de services de reproduction, de technologies et de produits de soins du pis. Commercialisé dans plus de 80 pays à travers le monde, ABS est à la pointe de la génétique et de la technologie animales depuis sa création en 1941. ABS Global est une division de Genus plc

Beef On Dairy

Semence de bœuf

Ne faites pas de compromis

Faire des accouplements avec intention

Magasinez à votre façon

Deux façons de trouver le Dairy Bull adapté à vos besoins​

1 Trouver un taureau individuel

2 Bull Search

Utilisez Bull Search pour acheter des caractéristiques spécifiques

Tout magasiner Semence de boeuf


Semence laitière

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Boucherie sur laitier

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Semence de boucherie

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Bull Search

Vous recherchez des traits spécifiques? Utilisez notre outil complet de recherche de taureaux pour trouver le taureau exact qui vous intéresse.

Profit par le progrès génétique

80 ans d'histoire | 70 pays dans le monde | Fort de 40 000 clients

Utilisez notre technologie exclusive de semence sexée

À la tête de la génétique animale et de la technologie depuis sa fondation en 1941

Mobile Checkout

Top Angus Bulls – Top 5 Best-Selling Bulls

Angus cattle are one of the most popular breeds in America because they produce high quality beef that is leaner than other breeds. They have a reputation for being docile, easy to handle and have excellent mothering abilities. Angus bulls have many desirable traits that make them ideal for farming purposes; they are fertile, have good longevity rates and produce offspring with high quality meat. These are some of the many reasons, Angus breeds provide the majority of our best selling Bull semen. Use this dominant breed but take your herd to the next level with ABS’ top angus bulls that are proven to drive genetic progress and profitability for your operation. 

1. Patriarch – Angus Bull – 29AN2093

As one of our Top Angus Bull's the Patriarch provides quality fertility

The PATRIARCH of the Lineup

PATRIARCH is the definition of strength and direction. He brings a bullet-proof maternal pedigree with power, data, and phenotype to produce both quality females and in-demand, high satisfaction sons. While his calving ease is commendable and his massive appearance is worth appreciating, you will also find his structure very sound along with exceptional foot quality. 

  • Bullet proof maternal pedigree with the power, data and phenotype to produce both quality females and in demand, high satisfaction sons
  • The all-time record setter from the Tehama program where his sons have already topped both their 2020 and 2021 bull sales
  • Beyond his calving ease and massive appearance, you will appreciate PATRIARCH for his sound structure and foot quality
  • From a program that has relentlessly pursued and been focused on maternal output coupled with end product merit

Add PATRIARCH genetics to your line-up for ultimate quality and balance.  

2. Stellar – Angus Bull – 29AN2025

STELLAR: The Supernova Angus 

STELLAR is a powerhouse individual that combines an outcross, proven pedigree with great maternal design. Proven foot quality improver, STELLAR ranks at the very top of the list for combined Foot Score EPDs and calving ease. A thick topped and deep sided bull, he is impressive from all dimensions and qualities.  

Top Angus Bull Stellar to drive increased fertility, longevity, and produce high quality beef
  • Powerhouse individual that combines an outcross, proven pedigree with great maternal design
  • Proven foot quality improver ranking at the very top of the Main Sire list for combined Foot Score EPDs
  • Super thick topped and deep sided bull that transmits added substance, fleshing ability and muscle shape
  • Consistent high satisfaction sire whose progeny have been cowboy favorites and the dominant sire group in Sitz Angus Ranch Sales over the last two years

Don’t look to the stars, simply trust in STELLAR for his excellent all-around breeding traits. 

3. True North – Angus Bull – 29AN2144

As one of our Top Angus Bull's True North provides quality fertility

Put What you Value Most at the Forefront with TRUE NORTH 

TRUE NORTH is a well-rounded, maternally oriented sire and one of the top angus bulls with super phenotype and calving ease. A fan favorite on display both at the National Western Stock Show and at ORIgen, he is a stout made bull with excellent muscle shape and substance. He is also an elite bull with maternal value—backed by strong docility, high foot quality and Heifer Pregnancy.  

  • Phenotypic standout with an unbeatable maternal data package
  • Elite $Maternal value backed by strong Docility, Foot Quality and Heifer Pregnancy EPDs combined with reduced mature size
  • A fan favorite on display both at the National Western and at ORIgen – wide based and stout made bull with excellent muscle shape and substance
  • Maternal brother to Confidence Plus that offers one of the most versatile and broadly appealing packages that we’ve seen in many years

Don’t wait, choose TRUE NORTH to help create a heifer designed for longevity and see great genetic progress. 

4. Man in Black – Angus Bull – 29AN2205

Up Front There is MAN IN BLACK 

The man, the performer, and a legend in the making, MAN IN BLACK has been a man amongst boys from a young age. He combines tremendous base width and muscle with exceptional substance, rib shape, and length of body. Described by many astute cattlemen as the most powerful Angus bull they’ve seen in recent years, MAN IN BLACK brings unique data and imposing phenotype.  

Top Angus sire the Man in Black to drive increased fertility, longevity, and produce high quality beef
  • He’s been a man amongst boys from a young age, combining tremendous base width and muscle with exceptional substance, rib shape and length of body
  • Described by many astute cattlemen as the most powerful Angus bull they’ve seen in recent years
  • Impressive individual performer with a 791 WW (125 ratio), 1,489 YW (118 ratio), 5.54 IMF (107 ratio) and 15.0 RE (113 ratio)
  • His dam is a 9 year old Pathfinder® with a great udder and a nursing ratio of 112
  • His unique data and imposing phenotype make for as stout of a power bull package as we know how to make

Take advantage of an enormous opportunity with MAGNITUDE

5. Magnitude – Angus Bull – 29AN2023

Top Angus sire Magnitude offers amazing cavling ease

New Order of MAGNITUDE  

MAGNITUDE is a high usage, high satisfaction bull that takes curve bending performance to a new level. He is backed by a strong proven cow family with ideal maternal design and productivity—bringing big time growth genetics and double-digit calving ease.  

  • High usage, high satisfaction sire that takes curve bending performance to a new level
  • Delivers a highly proven, curve bender combination with big time growth genetics and double digit Calving Ease
  • Elite maternal genetics driven by breed leading Docility, Heifer Pregnancy and Maternal Calving Ease data
  • Backed by a strong proven cow family with ideal maternal design and productivity

Take advantage of an enormous opportunity with MAGNITUDE


Researching the different types of bulls available can be an overwhelming task, but we are here to support you. ABS and our partners have combined innovative science with the good old-fashioned hard work of gathering real-world performance data to identify the top black angus bulls. Bull Search can help you narrow down the Bulls that are right for your farm and your needs. Additionally, you can also reach out to your local rep or just ask someone to contact you through our chatbot. Once you have chosen your bulls, we can help you start planning out your breeding program.


Beef Certificates

Beef Certificates FR

Shop your way

Two ways to find the right Beef Certificate

1 Find an Individual Bull

2 By Certificate Breed

Dairy Semen

Semence laitière

Semence laitière

Conformation sans compromis

Magasinez à votre façon

Deux façons de trouver le taureau laitier qui convient à vos besoins

1 Trouver un taureau individuel

2 Bull Search

Utilisez Bull Search pour acheter par traits spécifiques

Magasinez pour toute semence laitière

Beef Semen

Semence de bœuf

Ne faites pas de compromis

Faire des accouplements avec intention

Magasinez à votre façon

Deux façons de trouver le Dairy Bull adapté à vos besoins​

1 Trouver un taureau individuel

2 Bull Search

Utilisez Bull Search pour acheter des caractéristiques spécifiques

Tout magasiner Semence de boeuf

Cookie Policy

Use of Cookies on our website

An HTML cookie is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on the user’s computer by the user’s web browser. We use cookies to store information the site needs later, such as a selected setting or data needed to be shared between different pages. You can follow the link here to see how to disable the use of cookies.

We use the following categories of cookies on our website:

Strictly Necessary Cookies

These cookies are essential to enable you to move around the website and use its features. Without these cookies, services you have asked for such as creating a login session cannot be provided.

Performance Cookies

These cookies collect anonymous information on how people use our website. For example, we use Google Analytics cookies to help us understand how customers arrive at our site, browse or use our site and highlight areas where we can improve areas such as navigation, shopping experience and marketing campaigns. The data stored by these cookies never shows personal details from which your individual identity can be established.

Functionality Cookies

These cookies remember choices you make such as the country you visit our website from, language and search parameters such as size, color or product line. These can then be used to provide you with an experience more appropriate to your selections and to make the visits more tailored and pleasant. The information these cookies collect are anonymous and they cannot track your browsing activity on other websites.

Free Shipping Available

St Jacobs

  • Buy $700 or more of any St Jacob’s product and get free shipping with the voucher code STJFREESHIP

FAQ / Help

Buyer's Guide

Category: Buyer's Guide

We recommend discussing your goals and management style with an ABS artificial insemination specialist to ensure the best solution can be implemented. In addition, we suggest following our handling procedures and protocols, as outlined in the following guide.

Category: Buyer's Guide

There are several ways you can find products on our store.

1. Type in the Name, Stud Code or Registration number of the bull you’re looking for. 

A match for what you have typed will be returned which will indicate the type of product and breed as well

Click the row if it matches what you want, or click the red Search button to show the full list of products that match your search

2. Use the menu. Products are grouped by category and then, where appropriate, breed.

3. If you are still not finding what you need – please contact us at 1-888-785-7883 ext. 1 and we will do our best to help you find what you are looking for.

Category: Buyer's Guide

To navigate this website, simply click on a category you might be interested in. Categories are located on the top, left & bottom of our website. QUICK TIP: Place your mouse cursor over anything you think could be a clickable link. You’ll notice that anytime you scroll over something that is a link, your mouse cursor will become a “hand”. Whereas scrolling over anything that is NOT a link will leave your cursor as an “arrow”. You may also type a keyword into the SEARCH box to quickly find a specific product. If you have any trouble locating a product, feel free to contact customer service for assistance.

Category: Buyer's Guide

A unit of semen brings no real value to a dairy farmer unless it results in a cow getting pregnant with a female calf. A healthy heifer needs to be born and only then can genetic progress be seen. That’s where the value is found.

At a time when efficiency is crucial on dairy farms, producers need to reduce their variables. Creating pregnancies with conventional semen is like flipping a coin – the odds of getting a male or female calf are generally the same.

Using Sexcel, customers have the power to decide with, as much precision as biology and technology currently allows, which part of the herd will pass on their genetics and make replacement heifers for the next generation.

Sexcel provides a high probability of success. Observations using ABS Global’s Real World Data® (RWD™) index demonstrated that Sexcel achieves a 90% relative conception rate to conventional semen.*Results vary according to management, environment and animal.

Sexcel Sexed Genetics is available for: Holstein, Jersey, and Norwegian Red.

Category: Buyer's Guide

Pricing and Billing

Your credit card will be charged within 24 hours from the time your item(s) have shipped.

Shipping Information

Please verify within 24 hours of carrier confirmed delivery, the accuracy of your order. We strive to make every shipment accurate. In the unforeseen circumstance that there is a discrepancy with the product received and the packing slip, please contact Customer Service at 1.888.785.7883 ext. 1. Once verified, please immediately remove the product from the shipper.

Attached to your paperwork, you will find a return label. The return label is a part of our process for returning shippers. Please place the return label directly over the shipping label or remove the original shipping label from the outside of the shipper shell. Secure the lid on the shipper with a plastic zip-tie.

The final step will ensure the shipper is returned to ABS Canada, please choose one of the options listed below.

  1. Call ABS Customer Service- 1.888.785.7883 ext. 1
  2. Arrange for a pick up by calling Purolator – 1.888.7447.123 (1.888.SHIP.123). Follow the prompts.
  3. Drop the shipper off at a Purolator designated return location. To find a location near you please visit and go to FIND SHIPPING CENTRE
  4. Give it to a Purolator driver, be sure to discuss with the driver a designated area of returns and for pick-ups to avoid confusion.

A non-refundable fee of $50.00 will be charged for all shippers not returned within 30 days of shipment. Shippers not returned within 60 days from time of shipment will be charged an additional $1000.00 fee.

If you encounter any obstacles or have questions please contact Customer Service at 1.888.785.7883 ext 1 and we will be happy to assist you.

International Shipping

We do not currently offer shipping outside of Canada for this Store

Order Status

Category: Order Status

Click the “View Accounts” link at the top right hand side of our site to track your order status. Be sure that all of the items in your order have shipped already. If your order displays your Tracking Number, check with the shipper to confirm that your packages were delivered. If your packages show a status of “delivered”, please contact customer service for assistance.

Category: Order Status

Click the “View Account” link at the top right hand side of our site to check your orders status.

Category: Order Status

Please contact us to make any changes to your order.

Category: Order Status

Click the “View Account” link at the top right hand side of our site to track your order.

Category: Order Status

Click the “My Account” link at the top right hand side of our site to track your order status. Be sure that all of the items in your order have shipped already. If your order displays your Package Tracking Numbers, check with the shipper to confirm that your packages were delivered. If your packages each show a status of “delivered”, please contact customer service at 1-888-785-7883  ext. 1 for assistance.

My Account / Login / Password Issues

1) Click the Register link at the top right side of our site.
2) Fill in the form and Click “Create Account”
3) We will send you an email that contains a link that you must click to complete the registration process

If you have any issues creating an account, please contact us

Click the “View Account” link at the top right hand side of our site to edit your account information.

Shipping is automatically calculated prior to submitting your payment information.  Simply add items to your cart and proceed to the Checkout page where you will be offered Shipping Method choices and their prices.

Click the Login link at the top right hand side of our site. Under the login box you’ll see a link that says “Forgot your password?

Click on that link and follow the instructions

If you still have problems please feel free to contact us.

 If you feel that you have received the wrong product, please contact customer service at 1-888-785-7883 ext. 1 within 72 hours of receiving the product.

See our Terms & Conditions for complete details regarding our return policy.


Category: Guarantees

It is our commitment to provide you with the best value, at the best price. We value your business and strive to keep our prices low, and SAVE you money!

Category: Guarantees

We value your privacy. Please view our Privacy Policy for complete details on how we use the information we collect.

Category: Guarantees

This website is protected with SSL (secure socket layer) encryption, the highest standard in Internet security.

Additional Support

Category: Additional Support

Please call Customer Service at 1-888-785-7883  ext. 1

Volume Discounts

We have the following discounts available. The more you buy the more you save!!


Buy 20 Units of any St Jacobs Semen and get a 5% discount
Buy 30 Units of any St Jacobs Semen and get a 10% discount
Buy 40 Units of any St Jacobs Semen and get a 15% discount
Buy 50 Units of any St Jacobs Semen and get a 20% discount
Buy 60+ Units of any St Jacobs Semen and get a 25% discount


Buy 50 to 90 units of any Beef Semen and get a 10% discount
Buy 100+ units of any Beef Semen and get a 20% discount

Shipping Costs

Shipping is calculated at the point of checkout based on the quantity ordered, the location to ship and the method of shipping. Where available we offer both ground and air shipping.

The price includes the cost of the tank return via ground shipping.

We provide the return label and instructions on how to handle the returns with each tank shipment

Reset Password

New Password

Please enter a new password. This must contain at least 8 characters, one number, one lower case and one capital letter.

"*" indicates required fields

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Email Address

Enter your email address for your account and we’ll send a reset link.

"*" indicates required fields


Don’t have an account? Sign Up Now


Why register?
  • Use the same login details to access the ABS store and Bull Search
  • No need to remember lots of different passwords
  • Get offers and industry information delivered to your Inbox

You can use this account to login to our Bull Search website and the ABS Global app.

Contact Us

Use the form below to contact us. You can also call us on 1-888-785-7883 ext 1 or send us an email : [email protected]


Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

ABS Global, Inc., has long recognized that individuals with whom we conduct business value their privacy. However, in order to conduct global business in the increasingly electronic economy, the collection of personal information is often necessary and desirable. It is ABS’ goal to balance the benefits of e-commerce with the right of individuals to prevent the misuse of their personal information, This privacy statement does not apply to offline collection of information.

The Collection of Personal Information:
In some circumstances, ABS may request personal information from you, like your name, email address, company name or telephone number. Your response to these inquiries is strictly voluntary. ABS uses this information to customize your experience on our websites. In addition, ABS may use this information for other business purposes, such as to alert you to products and services that can assist you in your business, promoting site registration, and assisting in order processing. In general, you can visit our site without divulging any personal information. However, there are areas of this site that require this information to complete their customization functions, and may not be available to those choosing not to reveal the information requested.
The Collection of Usage Information:
ABS also collects your domain information, browser type, internet protocol address and other similar technical information when you visit our site as part of its analysis of the use of the site. This data enables us to become more familiar with which customers visit our site, the software they use to visit our site, their geographic location based on their Internet protocol address, and what parts of the site they visit most often. This data may also be used for system administration, analysis, auditing, research, evaluation of the design or functionality of our web site and to improve our web-based offerings. We may share such usage information with ABS business units, subsidiaries and other business partners. This information is collected automatically and requires no action on your part.
Disclosure to Third Parties:
In cases where we believe your business interests will be served, ABS may share your usage information and personal information (with the exception of account, credit card and ordering information) with ABS business units, subsidiaries and other business partners, who can alert you about new products and services to improve your competitive edge. If you receive unwanted marketing materials from ABS or our business units, subsidiaries or other business partners, please let us or them know that you wish to be removed from their contact list.
Use of Cookies:
Some pages on this site uses “cookies”, which are small files that the site places on your hard drive, if you allow your browser to do so, for identification purposes. These files are used for site registration and customization the next time you visit us. They also enable us to log how often you visit our site and what parts of the site you visit. You should note that cookies can not read data off of your hard drive. Your web browser may allow you to be notified when you are receiving a cookie, giving you the choice to accept it or not. By not accepting cookies, some pages may not fully function and you may not be able to access certain information on this site.
ABS reserves the right to change, modify or update this statement at any time without notice. Such revisions may be posted to this web page from time to time.
Terms of Use:
Terms of use of ABS Global web site and business unit or subsidiary web sites. Acceptance of Terms: When you access this site, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to abide by the terms described below. If you do not agree in the terms discussed here, you should exit this site now.
Everything on this site is copyrighted. ABS Global or the original creator of the material owns the copyrights. However, you are hereby granted only a limited, personal, non-exclusive, non-commercial and revocable license to view, copy, print and distribute ABS material from this site, as long as: 1. The material is used for information only 2. The material is used for non-commercial purposes only 3. Copies of any material include ABS’ copyright notice

ABS and the ABS logo are trademarks or service marks of ABS Global. You may not use these or any other trademarks or service marks of ABS or its licensors without the written permission of ABS Global.

No Warranty:

Limitation of Liability:

While this web site may contain links to third-party sites, ABS is not responsible for the privacy practices, terms of use or content of any linked sites. ABS provides these links as a convenience and does not by providing these links endorse the companies or contents of any linked sites.

Product Availability:
The availability of the products described on this site, and the products descriptions, may vary from country to country and from time to time. Consult your ABS Account Executive for specific product information.

Your Posted Information:
You are prohibited from posting or transmitting to this web site any unlawful, infringing, threatening, obscene, libelous, or otherwise offensive material and agree to indemnify ABS from any and all damages and costs that ABS incurs if you do so.

Your Submission:
Any material, information, or idea submitted or posted on this web site will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary. ABS may share or otherwise use your submission for any purpose whatsoever. If any of the information submitted constitutes personal information, you agree that ABS may transmit such personal information across international boundaries for any ABS business purpose. Personal information will be treated as set forth in our Privacy Statement.

Export of Information:
The United Kingdom Export controls laws prohibit the export of certain technical data and software to certain territories. No content from this site may be downloaded or otherwise exported in violation of United States Law.

Jurisdiction and Choice of Law in the United Kingdom:
This agreement and all claims or issues regarding this web site, shall be governed according to the English laws. Any legal action concerning these Terms or this web site must be brought within one (1) year after the claim or cause of action arises and must be brought in the United Kingdom.

ABS Global, Inc. Web Content Privacy Statement (update – 1-25-2008 )

About Us

ABS Global, Inc.

World Leader in Bovine Genetics

ABS Global, Inc. Headquartered in DeForest, Wisconsin, ABS Global is the world-leading provider of bovine genetics, reproduction services, technologies and udder care products. Marketing in more than 80 countries around the globe, ABS has been at the forefront of animal genetics and technology since its founding in 1941. ABS Global is a division of Genus plc

Coming Soon Page

Coming Soon

Terms And Conditions

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) govern the purchase, sale, and use of all bovine related products and services offered by ABS Global, Inc. or its affiliates (“ABS”), including without limitation: semen, sexed semen, embryos, and bovines; (“Germplasm”); artificial insemination, ovum-pick up, embryo transfer, in-vivo fertilization, pregnancy checks, or any related breeding or veterinary services (“Breeding Services”); custom indices, genetic management services, and other genetic advice or analysis, laboratory services, genotypes (“Genetic Services”); udder care products; breeding certificates; and equipment or supplies related to any of the above (collectively, with the Germplasm, Breeding Services, and Genetic Services, the “Products”) and of first-generation progeny made from Germplasm (“Progeny”). Please read these Terms carefully, as your use or purchase, or your employees’ or representatives’ use or purchase (collectively or individually, “you”), of the Products and Progeny constitutes your confirmation and agreement be bound by these Terms (as revised from time to time) for the invoiced Products and any resulting Progeny and your purchase and use of all future Product and Progeny after your receipt of these Terms. If you do not consent to these Terms, please return Products in unused and unaltered condition within 48 hours of receipt and ABS will refund you the purchase price.

  1. PURCHASE & SHIPPING. By placing an order for Products, you confirm that you are authorized to make the purchase. All orders are subject to acceptance by ABS and availability at time of shipment. Upon receipt, you shall inspect the Products to confirm that they are as ordered. If the Products are not as ordered due to loss, damage, or error as to Product type or quantity (“Nonconforming Products”) you must reject the Product by notifying ABS within 7 days of delivery, or in the case of loss of Germplasm due to a shipping tank failure, within 24 hours of delivery, and ABS will replace or refund your purchase at its discretion. Customer shall return or destroy all Nonconforming Products as instructed by ABS. Payment terms are as listed in your statement/invoice. You shall provide ABS with any information or documentation necessary for ABS to invoice you the amount due to ABS. ABS may audit your records annually to confirm any information provided to ABS under this section. Payment of sales tax is your responsibility and shall be applied in accordance with all applicable tax laws. All Products ship Incoterms 2020 CPT (first carrier) to the invoice location, unless otherwise stated by ABS. Except as otherwise stated herein, title will pass to you at first carrier.
  1. USE. Products are approved for animal agriculture use only. You may not export Products or distribute, sell, or transfer Products to any third-party without the express written consent of ABS. You agree to only use Germplasm, in whole or in part, in animals wholly owned or controlled by you in the ordinary course of business. You may not without the prior written consent of ABS: reverse engineer, genotype, sequence, clone, reverse sort, genome edit, analyze or manipulate the Germplasm; or use Germplasm or the genetic materials contained in or derived from the Germplasm or Progeny, including any semen, oocytes, embryos, DNA, RNA, protein or other molecular or hereditary materials (“Genetic Materials”) for any research or development use, including in public or private research programs. Sexed semen may be used solely for single artificial insemination of a single bovine, with the intent to produce a single offspring. All rights in Germplasm and Progeny not expressly granted under this Section 2 are reserved by ABS and all other uses are strictly prohibited without ABS’ prior written consent.  In addition to the above, Germplasm from dairy bulls (of any age or status) that rank in the top 200 of their breed on the NM$ or TPI indexes1, top 50 on the $CM or JPI index[1] for (G) Status[2] bulls 18 months and older or otherwise listed as an “Icon Sire” on the ABS Icon Website at  (“Icon Germplasm”) may only be used: (a) in females unencumbered  by any 3rd-party right or interest, including any purchase or breeding rights or restrictions (“3rd Party Restrictions”), and (b) where any resulting Progeny or Genetic Materials will be owned or controlled by you and unencumbered by 3rd Party Restrictions. Any embryos you create (as permitted) from Icon Germplasm (“Icon Embryos”) may only be used in your herd and may not be sold, marketed, leased, traded, or otherwise transferred (“Transferred”) to any party unless permitted in writing by ABS. You must retain unencumbered ownership of any female that is, or could be, pregnant with Progeny from Icon Germplasm or an Icon Embryo until she is no longer pregnant
  • DAIRY PROGENY: You agree to use dairy Progeny from Germplasm strictly as set forth in this section. You grant ABS the exclusive and irrevocable right and option to test and purchase any such Progeny or make and acquire Genetic Materials from such Progeny, for so long as the Progeny is owned by you, under the procedures and prices listed on the ABS Icon Website (“Option”). For clarity, ABS has no obligation to purchase Progeny or Genetic Materials. In this section, “Tested” means an animal that has received an official Council of Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) evaluation or other evaluation approved by ABS in writing. Animals with no evaluation or an unapproved evaluation shall be considered “Untested”. In addition to the foregoing:
    • Male Progeny: Male Progeny created from Icon Germplasm may only be: (a) Transferred into the beef supply chain (e.g. sale to a slaughterhouse or feed yard) for the purpose of slaughter (“Beef Supply Chain”), either as a steer or with the express agreement from the buyer that it will remain in the Beef Supply Chain, or (b) sold to ABS under its Option, and for no other purpose unless otherwise permitted in writing by ABS. Male Progeny from non-Icon Germplasm may only be Transferred into the Beef Supply Chain or, if Untested, for natural service unless otherwise permitted in writing by ABS. Without limiting the foregoing, you may not create, use, or sell any male Progeny for the purpose of collecting or selling semen, or collect semen from male Progeny for yourself or any other party.
    • Female Progeny: Female Progeny (of any age or status) created from Icon Germplasm that: (a) is Untested or (b) is Tested and ranks in the top 2,000 of its breed on the NM$ or TPI index1, top 500 on the CM$ or JPI index1, or the top 500 of the PLI, RZG, LPI, PFT, BPI, ISU, NVI, or NTM index[3], for females six months and older (each an “Icon Daughter”) and her Genetic Materials, may only be used in your herd and cannot be Transferred until the Icon Daughter reaches 24-months of age, unless Transferred to ABS under its Option or otherwise permitted by ABS in writing. During the 24-month period you may not create Progeny from Icon Daughters that would be subject to 3rd Party Restrictions. You are free at any time to Transfer female Progeny that (x) has been Tested and ranks below the criteria listed under section 2(A)(ii)(b), or (y) was created from non-Icon Germplasm.
  • BEEF PROGENY: NuEra Germplasm (brand names NuEra® or InFocus®) may only be used to create a terminal crossbred Progeny (beef x dairy cross or beef x beef cross) that is Transferred into the Beef Supply Chain. For clarity, NuEra sons may not be used or sold for breeding or collecting or selling semen. Progeny from all other beef Germplasm may be used or sold for any purpose, including to create breeding stock or terminal animals.
  1. GENETIC SERVICES. If you purchase or receive Genetic Services from ABS, you agree to promptly provide ABS with any information, consents and assistance as ABS may reasonably request. You acknowledge and agree that any information or tools provided to you from the Genetic Services, including any custom indices or breeding recommendations (“GS Results”) is for your internal use only and their value is dependent on the correctness and quality of the data you provide, your cooperation, and other factors outside of ABS’ control including herd management, operational decisions, and environment.
  2. BREEDING SERVICES. If you purchase Breeding Services from ABS, you are responsible, at your own cost, for preparing animals in accordance with ABS’ instructions. Additional fees may apply if animals are not properly prepared. You are responsible for Products not used during the Breeding Services, including fresh embryos. For any charge by pregnancy, pregnancy shall mean a positive pregnancy check (ultrasound or non-return) 30-45 days post breeding.
  3. WARRANTIES and Liability. ABS warrants that Germplasm, udder care products, breeding certificates, and equipment and supplies sold by ABS conform to the description on the individual Product package and the Breeding Services and Genetics Services will be performed with reasonable skill in accordance with generally acceptable industry standards. Except as otherwise set out in these Terms, all Products are provided by ABS “AS IS”. EXCEPT FOR THE WARRANTY SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION, ABS MAKES NO WARRANTY WHATSOEVER WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCTS OR THE PROGENY, INCLUDING ANY (A) WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY; (B) WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE; OR (C) WARRANTY AGAINST INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OF A THIRD PARTY; WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED BY LAW, COURSE OF DEALING, COURSE OF PERFORMANCE, USAGE OF TRADE OR OTHERWISE. WITHOUT LIMITING THE GENERALITY OF THE FOREGOING, ABS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY (A) OF THE GENETIC MAKE-UP OF THE PRODUCT OR THE PROGENY; (B) OF THE PERFORMANCE OF THE PRODUCT, OR THE CHARACTERISTICS OR PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGENY; (C) OF THE ABSENCE OF PATHOGENS FROM THE PRODUCT; AND (D). THAT PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONS, MARKETING MATERIALS, WEBSITE CONTENT, OR OTHER INFORMATION RELATED TO THE PRODUCTS IS ACCURATE, COMPLETE, RELIABLE, CURRENT, OR ERROR-FREE. YOUR EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR ABS’ BREACH OF ITS WARRANTIES UNDER THESE TERMS IS, AT ABS’ DISCRETION, REPLACEMENT, REPERFORMANCE, OR AN ACCOUNT CREDIT FOR THE DEFECTIVE PORTION OF THE PRODUCT. The warranty described herein is contingent upon your proper use of the Products in compliance with any product manuals or instructions, industry standards, these Terms, and any reasonable instructions from ABS in respect to the return or destruction of defective Products. These warranties do not cover any Products which have been modified in any manner or subject to abuse, neglect, misuse or alteration.  
  2. Liquid Nitrogen Notice: You shall transfer all Germplasm from shipping tanks to your own nitrogen tanks immediately upon receipt. You are responsible for providing and maintaining liquid nitrogen tanks, including nitrogen levels and tank operation at all times. ABS may provide liquid nitrogen services to customers as an ancillary service. Such services are provided on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. Without limiting the foregoing, the ABS Parties shall not be responsible for any loss and/or damages, direct or indirect, arising out contract, tort, or fiduciary duty by providing liquid nitrogen to you. To the extent allowable by law, all liability for the supply, maintenance, or servicing of liquid nitrogen storage tanks is expressly disclaimed by ABS Parties.
  3. DISTRIBUTORS. ABS contracts with independent contractors, sales agents, authorized representatives, or other distributors (“Distributors”) from whom you may purchase Products directly. Distributors are not the agents, employees, or servants of ABS and are not authorized to contract for, or on behalf of, ABS. ABS does not control the Products after transfer to a Distributor, and disclaims all liability for the Products, services, actions, or work provided to you by Distributors.
  4. INDEMNITY. You agree to defend, indemnify and hold all ABS Parties harmless from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, in any way arising from, related to or in connection with (a) your use of ABS Products; (b) your breach or alleged breach of these Terms; (c) your violation of any third-party right, including any intellectual property, confidentiality, property, or privacy right; (d) your violation of any laws, rules, regulations, codes, statutes, ordinances or orders of any governmental and quasi-governmental authorities, including all regulatory, administrative and legislative authorities; and (e) any misrepresentation made by you.
  5. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. ABS Products are covered by ABS’ Intellectual Property Rights, including patents, which can be found at Subject to your compliance with these Terms, ABS grants you a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, limited, revocable license to such Intellectual Property Rights to use its Products as set forth in these Terms, transferable only as specifically permitted in these Term, and specifically for (a) Germplasm and Genetic Materials, as strictly as permitted under the “Use” section and (b) GS Results, as set forth in the Genetic Services section. Trademarks, logos and service marks on ABS materials, Products, websites, or elsewhere by ABS are registered and unregistered trademarks of ABS (“ABS Marks”). No license or right to use any ABS Mark is granted by these Terms. All other uses of ABS intellectual property (including the ABS Marks) are strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of ABS. “Intellectual Property Rights” as set forth in these Terms means patent applications, patents, copyrights, trademarks, mask works, trade secrets, know-how, and any information embodying proprietary data such as technical data and computer software.
  6. SOFTWARE. Some Products allow you to download or access ABS owned or licensed software and any updates or upgrades (“Software”). ABS grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable license to use the Software, subject to the any Software terms and conditions and solely in connection with the Products. To the extent any component of the Software is offered under a third-party sub-license, you must use that Software in compliance with the terms and policies of the third-party supplier, in addition to these Terms. Unless the following restrictions are prohibited by law, you agree not to reverse engineer or decompile the Software or Products, attempt to do so, or assist anyone in doing so.
  7. DATA.  As part of ABS’ effort to continually improve its Product offerings, ABS employees or Distributors may collect data or information, including herd and animal performance data, from your technology systems or records (“Data”). By permitting ABS employees or Distributors to access your Data or systems, you grant ABS a non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, transferable, worldwide license to access and use the Data for ABS business purposes (“Data License”). You agree that ABS may access, under the Data License, any Data that relates to the Products or Progeny that you provide to buyers of your milk, meat, or animals or to other channel partners directly from such parties. ABS understands that maintaining anonymity of your Data is important to your business operations, and will not use your Data in a way that discloses your individual or business identity to the public. Any data, reports, information or intellectual property created, generated or discovered by ABS from the Data (individually or in aggregate), or any data on the Products or Progeny collected directly by ABS is the sole property of ABS, and no rights in such data, reports, information or intellectual property shall transfer to you or any third-party.
  8. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. You agree to comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, codes, statutes, ordinances or orders of any governmental and quasi-governmental authorities, including all regulatory, administrative and legislative authorities, including any anti-corruption and bribery law, policy or regulation, in connection with your purchase or use of the Products and in your dealings with ABS.
  9. GOVERNING LAW. These Terms are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Wisconsin, USA without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of law. You irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Wisconsin, USA over any claim or matter arising out of or related to these Terms or your purchase or use of Products.
  10. ENTIRE AGREEMENTS & INTERPRETATION. These Terms constitute the entire agreement between you and ABS, and supersede and replace any agreement, terms and conditions, or your purchase order or other ordering document related to the Products, except to the extent that such agreement is in writing, signed by both you and ABS (“Written Contract”). To the extent that the terms of a Written Contract conflict with these Terms, the terms of the Written Contract shall prevail. In the event these Terms differ from terms and conditions on ABS printed forms, these Terms shall prevail. In these Terms, the word “including” shall be deemed to be followed by the words “without limitation.”
  11. WAIVER, SERVERABILITY & ASSIGNMENT. ABS’ failure to enforce any provision of the Terms is not a waiver of its right to do so later. If a provision is found unenforceable or invalid for any reason, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. You may not assign any of your rights under these Terms, and any such attempt shall be void. ABS may assign its rights to its affiliates or subsidiaries, or to any successor in interest of any business associated with ABS.
  12. MODIFICATION. ABS may revise these Terms from time to time and will post the most current version on our website. You are bound by any revision and should review these Terms periodically. If any provision of these Terms is deemed invalid, void, or unenforceable for any reason, that provision shall be severed and shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any remaining provision, and the parties shall substitute for the invalid provision a provision that most closely approximates the intent and economic effect of the invalid provision.

1 NM$ and CM$ index is published by the United States Council of Dairy Cattle Breeding; TPI index published by Holstein Association USA; JPI index published by the American Jersey Cattle Association. All indices are inclusive of their genomic equivalents.

2 (G) Status as defined by NAAB as “genotyped and has semen available for sale and has less than 10 milking daughters”.  Used in these Terms, (G)Status only applied to the index scope used to determine rank, and an ABS sire is not required to be in (G)Status to be classified as “ICON”.

3 [PLI (UK), RZG (Germany), LPI (Canada), PFT (Italy), BPI (Australian), ISU (France), NTM (Scandinavia)


Dairy Semen

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Beef Semen

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Bull Search

Looking for specific traits? Use our comprehensive Bull Search tool to find the exact bull that you're interested in.

Profit From Genetic Progress

80 Years Deep | 70 Countries Wide | 40,000 Customers Strong

Use our exclusive Sexed Semen technology

At the forefront of animal genetics and technology since its founding in 1941

Refund and Returns Policy

This is a sample page.


Our refund and returns policy lasts 30 days. If 30 days have passed since your purchase, we can’t offer you a full refund or exchange.

To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. It must also be in the original packaging.

Several types of goods are exempt from being returned. Perishable goods such as food, flowers, newspapers or magazines cannot be returned. We also do not accept products that are intimate or sanitary goods, hazardous materials, or flammable liquids or gases.

Additional non-returnable items:

  • Gift cards
  • Downloadable software products
  • Some health and personal care items

To complete your return, we require a receipt or proof of purchase.

Please do not send your purchase back to the manufacturer.

There are certain situations where only partial refunds are granted:

  • Book with obvious signs of use
  • CD, DVD, VHS tape, software, video game, cassette tape, or vinyl record that has been opened.
  • Any item not in its original condition, is damaged or missing parts for reasons not due to our error.
  • Any item that is returned more than 30 days after delivery


Once your return is received and inspected, we will send you an email to notify you that we have received your returned item. We will also notify you of the approval or rejection of your refund.

If you are approved, then your refund will be processed, and a credit will automatically be applied to your credit card or original method of payment, within a certain amount of days.

Late or missing refunds

If you haven’t received a refund yet, first check your bank account again.

Then contact your credit card company, it may take some time before your refund is officially posted.

Next contact your bank. There is often some processing time before a refund is posted.

If you’ve done all of this and you still have not received your refund yet, please contact us at {email address}.

Sale items

Only regular priced items may be refunded. Sale items cannot be refunded.


We only replace items if they are defective or damaged. If you need to exchange it for the same item, send us an email at {email address} and send your item to: {physical address}.


If the item was marked as a gift when purchased and shipped directly to you, you’ll receive a gift credit for the value of your return. Once the returned item is received, a gift certificate will be mailed to you.

If the item wasn’t marked as a gift when purchased, or the gift giver had the order shipped to themselves to give to you later, we will send a refund to the gift giver and they will find out about your return.

Shipping returns

To return your product, you should mail your product to: {physical address}.

You will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable. If you receive a refund, the cost of return shipping will be deducted from your refund.

Depending on where you live, the time it may take for your exchanged product to reach you may vary.

If you are returning more expensive items, you may consider using a trackable shipping service or purchasing shipping insurance. We don’t guarantee that we will receive your returned item.

Need help?

Contact us at {email} for questions related to refunds and returns.



