Dairy | Genetic solutions


Make your heifer replacement from your best cows. At a time when efficiency is crucial on dairy farms, producers need to reduce their variables.

Pick the double sided coin

“A unit of semen brings no real value to a dairy farmer unless it results in a cow pregnant with a female calf. A healthy heifer needs to be born and only then can genetic progress be seen. That’s where the value is found.

Creating pregnancies with conventional semen is like flipping a coin – the odds of getting a male or female calf are generally the same.

Power over biology

Using Sexcel, customers have the power to decide with, as much precision as biology and technology currently allows, which part of the herd will pass on their genetics and make replacement heifers for the next generation.”

Label 1Label 2Label 3
Milk kg (305 days)11,213Milk kg (305 days)
Fat kg452Fat kg
Fat %4.03Fat %
Protein kg386Protein kg
Protein %3.44Protein %
Data Source



Herd Size



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“You can really exploit selection intensities which can only be achieved with a targeted use of sexed semen and beef. This combined approach delivers both dairy herd genetic improvement and increased beef calf value; to truly deliver profitable performance.

Dr Christopher Orrett, EMEA Genetic Services Research Specialist

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day average in days to finish


increase in profitability per animal


More animals hitting target specification


improvement in feed efficiency



Herd Type

Autumn Block Carving

Herd Size


Success with Sexcel® & Beef InFocus™ in an autumn block calving herd

“We purchased 80 straws of Sexcel® Seagull-Bay Kimball which resulted in 58 pregnancies – a 72% conception rate! And we didn’t have any bull calves!”

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Adopting the winning game plan can help with your farm’s profitability

Farmers around the world are drafting this winning plan with ABS. A Sexcel® and Beef InFocus™ strategy delivers unbeatable, step-changing genetic progress.

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Breeds | Downloadable | Farm labor
Get the beef on dairy calculator

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Breeds | Brochure | Holstein
Holstein Genetic Directory

View our selected bulls from this autumn block carving.

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Get in touch to find out how we can help

We have hundreds of experts in the field can can guide you to make the best purchasing and herd management decisions to get the most out of your herd.

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